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I.M. 1917-2002
mijn grootmoeder
Vannacht is mijn enige overblijvende grootmoeder zachtjes van ons heengegaan.

Niet geschikt voor o.a.:
- ridders en andere dragers van maliënkolder
- eigenaars van een ijzerwinkel
- mensen met een magnetische persoonlijkheid


Ondertussen in de Sojoez
- Ok, wie heeft er hier een koolluchtje verspreid?
- Nog wat Borsjt, Frank?


:: Power to the Cabbages

Alle Menschen werden Brüder
Dat wordt nog wat, met die uitbreiding van de Europese Unie. Als je al ziet wat de huidige lidstaten van elkaar vinden! Gelukkig houden de Belgae het simpel. Wij vinden namelijk gewoon van al onze medelidstaten dat ze slecht bier hebben. Een waarheid als een Duvel, dunkt me :)

:: What European Tribes Think About One Another (link van mijnkopthee)

Mooie woorden
Ik bezigde daarstraks het woord antropomorfologie spontaan tijdens het natafelen. Weet er iemand wat dat betekent?

Limburgers in spaaaaaaace
frank de winne
The fourth taxi flight to the International Space Station carrying a European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut and two Russian crew members made a perfect lift-off today

<oneerbiedige opmerking> Eén Limburger al de ruimte in. Nu de rest nog.</oneerbiedige opmerking>
<domme mop>Waarom werkt het internet niet in de ruimte? In de ruimte is er geen protocol </domme mop>

Oh ja
Mocht u van mij nog geen uitnodiging gekregen hebben om naar toneel te komen kijken, bij deze dan.
de weldoeners
Wie dat wil, kan ook de affiche (pdf) downloaden, afdrukken en voor het eigen venster hangen.

Tempus fugit
Proposal 1, Thirteen Month Year

Proposal 2, Twelve Month Year

Proposal 3, Twelve Month Year

Proposal 4, Twelve Month Year

:: calendar reform

Ik weet niet of Beethoven erg blij zou zijn met deze versie van zijn "Moonlight Sonata". Wel een heel vreemde maan die hier schijnt, zou ik zeggen.

How reassuring
There are an estimated 75 MILLION gun owners in the United States of America. If each gun owner or Second Amendment supporter buys 100 rounds of ammunition, that's 7.5 BILLION rounds in the hands of law-abiding citizens!

:: November 19, 2002 National Ammo Day

Huiselijke aubade
En nog
En nog
Ben jij mijn liefste
Dag en nacht en dag
Ben jij mijn liefste
Tot vervelens toe

Ik hoor je slapen, ik hoor
In de ochtend je slaap
Zijn ogen opendoen.
Licht loopt op kousenvoeten.
Door de kamer, gaat
De trap af, dekt
De tafel met trage ovalen

Gerinkel en koffie beklimmen
Het traphuis en roepen
Ik slaap nog wat na
In je afdruk, zink weg
In je diepdruk, verdwijn
In die vormvaste leegte.
Ik slaap op de wijze van jou.

En het zingt in mijn slaap
En je zingt het mij na, ja
Nog en nog en nog
Bij jij mijn liefste
Tot vervelens toe.
En dag en nacht en dag
Ben jij mij liefste

-- Leonard Nolens (uit En verdwijn met mate, 1996. - Amsterdam, Querido, p. 61)

Componist Terry Riley maakte onlangs een een compositie voor het Kronos Quartet getiteld "Sun Rings". Hij gebruikte daarvoor opnames die door verschillende ruimtetuigen (Voyagers, Galileo, Cassini enz) werden gemaakt en die je hier kan beluisteren.

:: NASA Music out of This World

Leve de wetenschap
It is often said that "Clothes make the man" -- but scholars are of varying opinion. Sexologist John Money claims that the quintessential characteristic of a man, defined according to common standards of Western culture, is the presence or absence of a penis. But few if any scholars have actually gathered empirical evidence to test the hypothesis that a man -- or a person who looks like a man when clothed -- actually has a penis.

:: What Makes a Man a Man? - An Empirical Study

Zie de wind waait
Ik ben er geraakt vanmorgen. Bij de bakker. Makkelijk was het niet, er stond/staat een zeer felle zuidwester hoewel de hemel quasi onbewolkt is. En de bakkerij ligt pal zuidwest ten opzichte van ons huis. Dus werd het spartelen tegen de wind en, in het terugkeren, zorgen dat ik niet meegeblazen werd. De rest van de dag wordt huiselijk vermoed ik: Frédéric - de man die mijn "Far Side"-strips al een half jaar thuis heeft liggen - drukte me gisteren nog voor ik ze meehad op het hart dat ik z'n DVD's echt zo snel mogelijk moest terugbezorgen. Dat zullen we dan maar doen zeker?

Caption Contest*

* Not associated with this one, this one, nor this one

Mexiaanse hond
Come one, come all, roll up and out with the old, the bathwater, the baby and the barrel, clean your ears and hearken, hearken to me as I proudly present to you, the bonny and beautiful public people that you are, a mechanism of musical magnificence, a device of deliciously demonic derring-do (in mildly musical a manner), a scintillating selection of sine waves, a hair-raising hotchpotch of heterodyning oscillators, a wealth of the wonderfully weird wrapped up in a handy hold-all... we proudly present for your entertainment, the worlds first mouse-controlled theremin with backing orchestra!

:: The Downloadable Desktop Theremin

If the U.S. government were held to the FBI's official definition of terrorism ("the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives"), their list of victims since WWII alone would include:

Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Mexico, Chile, Granada, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Uruguay, Paraguay, Ecuador, Zaire, Namibia, Lebanon, Egypt, Greece, Cyprus, Bangladesh, Iran, South Africa, the Philippines, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Iraq, Cambodia, Libya, Israel, Palestine, China, Afghanistan, Sudan, Indonesia, East Timor, Turkey, Angola, and Somalia.

:: Why I Oppose the US War on Terror: an ex-Marine Sergeant Speaks Out

I hear music
3d music is an innovative interactive performance environment in which you can explore specially performed music in a unique virtual space. An intimate relationship exists between the music and the 3d environment so that by exploring one, you simulatneously explore the other.

:: 3d music

Eau de blog

:: Waar anders dan bij Gary Turner?

Voor de milieu-activisten onder ons: kartonnen doodskisten. 100% biologisch afbreekbaar!

The Truth Is Out There
This is the second time in a month that UNSCOM has pulled out in the face of a possible U.S.-led attack. But this time there may be no turning back. Weapons inspectors packed up their personal belongings and loaded up equipment at U.N. headquarters after a predawn evacuation order. In a matter of hours, they were gone, more than 120 of them headed for a flight to Bahrain. --Jane Arraf, CNN, 12/16/98

What Mr. Bush is being urged to do by many advisers is focus on the simple fact that Saddam Hussein signed a piece of paper at the end of the Persian Gulf War, promising that the United Nations could have unfettered weapons inspections in Iraq. It has now been several years since those inspectors were kicked out. --John King, CNN, 8/18/02

:: What a Difference Four Years Makes - Why U.N. inspectors left Iraq--then and now

Sniper NOT god
The FBI have release the following advice:
"If you have recently seen a man or woman of indeterminate age, who looks like they may have been a teenage dropout, until recently worked in Wall Street, has got a hang up on tits, has enough money for a beaten-up mini-van and was recently seen firing at people with a sniper rifle, please contact your local force. He/she may be dangerous."

:: Washington sniper not God, FBI confirms

Hier wordt gestudeerd
Het is jouw leven, Vicky. Fijn. Doe maar wat je wilt. Blijf maar de hele dag in bed liggen. Als dat de manier is waarop jij je leven wilt leiden, ik hou je niet tegen. Maar het zou je wat goed doen, het zou je heel veel goed doen om toch eens uit dat bed, uit dit huis te komen. Het zou je goed doen om jezelf eens te zien als deel van een groter geheel, beter nog, als deel van iets belangrijkers dan jij. Jij, jij, jij, jij, jij. Het draait niet allemaal om jou. De nulmeridiaan loopt niet door je kont. Eb en vloed en het wisselen van de seizoenen zijn er niet alleen voor jou. Jij bent maar een mens, Vicky! Een kruimel. Een vlekje. Een molecule. Een klein onooglijk vlekje op een molecule. Maar doe jij eigenlijk wel eens iets voor de goede zaak? Toen ik je vroeg om mee te gaan protesteren tegen het politiegeweld? Neen, je haalde je neus op. Jij minachtte de daklozen, en "Kom op tegen kanker", en anti-AIDS-acties, en de protesterende taxichauffeurs en gratis injectiespuiten, en dolfijnen en de acties tegen dierproeven en Greenpeace en de rechten voor de homo's en de Indianen uit het Amazonewoud en vrouwenrechten en gehandicapten en Marrokanen en Turken en Zweden en Bosniërs en Kosovaren en Responsible Young Drivers. Jij hebt lak aan bezuinigingen in het onderwijs en bezuinigingen in cultuur en bezuinigingen in huisvesting en...

:: De Weldoeners, eind november, begin december in Mechelen.
:: download & print zelf de affiche (pdf)

Java Jive
I work in an advertising agency as a new media designer. Visiting clients and having meetings is everyday's business. And so is drinking coffee. Some companies consider it part of their culture, their brand. Others couldn't care less. A shame. Therefore I figured it might be fun sharing my coffee experiences during those meetings and visits.

:: Suspiciousminds' Guide to Quality Coffee Drinking

Love Letters
Als je het in bloed schrijft, is het écht gemeend!
I [heart] U.D.N.

:: Bloody Finger Mail

So you think it's easy flying a radio-controlled helicopter into somebody's head.

:: Fly the copter

Wil er iemand mee komen spelen?

(sim'be o'sis), n., 1. the living together of two dissimilar organisms, as in mutualism, commensalism, or parasitism. 2. any interdependent or mutually beneficial relationship between two persons, groups etc.

you are a virual symbiot.
this is a multi-user environment.

Happy Birthday to me
Born today:
1976 Jeremy Miller - actor
buy this t-shirt1970 Joeri Cornille - blogger
1957 Steve Lukather - guitarist (Toto)
1956 Carrie Fisher - actress (Star Wars)
1955 Eric Faulkner - guitarist (Bay City Rollers)
1953 Charlotte Caffey - guitarist (The Go-Gos)
1946 Lee Loughnane - horn player (Chicago)
1943 Brian Picolo - Chicago Bears running back, subject of film Brian's Song and book I am Third
1943 Ron Elliott - guitarist (Beau Brummels)
1942 Elvin Bishop - guitarist, singer (Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Elvin Bishop Group)
1941 Steve Cropper - guitarist (Blues Brothers, Booker T. and The MG's)
1940 Manfred Mann - singer (Manfred Mann's Earth Band)
1929 Ursula LeGuin - author
1928 Whitey Ford - Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher
1921 Malcolm Arnold - film score composer
1917 Dizzy Gillespie - trumpeter
1833 Alfred Nobel - dynamite inventor, Nobel peace prize founder
1772 Samuel Coleridge - poet

In the headlines today
1971 US President Richard Nixon nominates Lewis Powell and William Rehnquist to the Supreme Court.
1969 Jack Kerouac, beat generation novelist, dies.
1967 A Vietnam war protest march draws tens of thousands to Washington, DC.
1966 A mountian of waste coal collapses on a school and residential area in south Wales, killing 140 people, many of them children.
1962 The 1962 Seattle World's Fair (Century 21 Exposition) closes.
1960 The final televised debate takes place between presidential hopefuls Senator John F. Kennedy and US Vice President Richard Nixon.
1959 The Guggenheim Museum is dedicated in New York City.
1945 France extends the right to vote to women.
1944 US troops capture the city of Aachen, Germany, during WWII.
1879 Thomas Edison invents the electric light.
1872 Germany gives the San Juan Islands to the US.

Wie deze namiddag echt niets te doen heeft, kan zich ongetwijfeld vermaken met dit Harry Potter Catch the Pixies!-game. Zeer knappe graphics maar wel uitkijken voor de systeemvereisten. Het derde level deed mijn pc'tje daarnet spontaan heropstarten.

Extreme Ironing is duidelijk geen sport voor bouwvakkers. Freestyle rondhossen met kruiwagens daarentegen!

Ik schrok me zowaar een rozenhoedje.

Ik zie, ik zie, ik zie dat u uw kleren gaat uittrekken. En uw astrale projectie is duidelijk blij om mij te zien.


Things to say when stressed at work
1. "Okay, okay! I take it back. Unfuck you!!!"
2. "You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing?!"
3. "Well this day was a total waste of make-up"
4. "Well aren't we a bloody ray of sunshine?"
5. "Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after."
6. "Do I look like a fucking people person!"
7. "This isn't an office. It's HELL with fluorescent lighting"
8. "I started out with nothing still have most of it left"
9. "Therapy is expensive. Popping bubble plastic is cheap. You choose"
10. "Practice random acts of intelligence and senseless acts of self-control"
11. "I'm not crazy. I've been in a very bad mood for 30 years."
12. "Sarcasm is just one more service I offer."
13. "Do they ever shut up on your planet?"
14. "I'm not your type. I'm not inflatable"
15. "Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't gone to sleep yet"
16. "Back off!! You're standing in my aura."
17. "Don't worry. I forgot your name too."
18. "I work 45 hours a week to be this poor."
19. "Not all men are annoying. Some are dead."
20. "Wait...I'm trying to imagine you with a personality"
21. "Chaos, panic and disorder ... my work here is done."
22. "Ambivalent? Well yes and no."
23. "You look like shit. Is that the style now?"
24. "Earth is full. Go home."
25. "Aw, did I step on your poor little bitty ego?"
26. "I'm not tense, just terribly, terribly alert."
28. "You are depriving some village of an idiot."
29. "If assholes could fly, this place would be a fuckin' airport."

(tnx bro')

3D Pong
Gelukkig heb ik vakantie!

:: Curveball

Absolut Export
Zweden -> Ikea-meubels
Denemarken -> Soundscapes

Om vrolijk van te worden
Isn't life a bitch? The world is going to end. You don't even have to be a religious fundamentalist to see that's true.
Exit Mundi collects scenarios of what could go wrong with the world. Sure, our planet could get hit by an asteroid. But hey, that's nothing. Did you know we could all be munched away by hungry molecules? Or that our physicists could unintentionally wipe us all out while tinkering with particles?

:: Exit Mundi

Biologisch afbreekbaar
Handig, zeker als je zo'n hoop cd's hebt en weinig doosjes: Origami Paper CD Cases.

Woensdag 16 oktober 2002
7 > 2. Wacht maar.

Saddam: 100% representing 100% of the population.
George W. Bush: 47.88% representing 51% of the population.

Live vanavond
Zo'n 500 Leuvense studenten gaan vanavond in de Stadsschouwburg op uitnodiging van het KBC-studentenkantoor naar een toneelvoorstelling kijken. Zijn er UDN-lezers die daar bij zijn? Na de voorstelling - zo vanaf 22u - krijgt u dik 2 uur live muziek aangeboden in de foyer. Wie in de buurt is, springe gerust eens binnen.

Dinsdag 15 oktober 2002
17 > 7. Op naar de volgende stap.

Kidcontact uses mobile phone technology to operate a two way tracking facility, and uses Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) to accurately pinpoint a child. The beauty of the product is that it only has one button to operate it, so that even young children can benefit.

- the_sound_of_one_hand_clapping.mp3
- the_sound_of_a_tree_falling_in_the_woods_with_no-one_around.mp3

Schrijven bureel blad. Zich onthouden indien niet ernstig.

Bij de derde toon is het precies 2023
I want to build a clock that ticks once a year. The century hand advances once every one hundred years, and the cuckoo comes out on the millennium. I want the cuckoo to come out every millennium for the next 10,000 years. If I hurry I should finish the clock in time to see the cuckoo come out for the first time.

:: Long Now Clock

En u?
I always thoght my invisible friend was more intelligent than I was but his solutions to problems were nearly always wrong.

:: is a collection of ideas that adults thought were true when they were children.

O Superman
Het valt niet mee om superheld te zijn, zo blijkt volgens Aquaman en Batman.

Good advice
If you wan’ to be happy an’ live a »King Life«
Nevah make a pretty woman yo’ wife.
All you got to do is jus’ what I say
An’ you’ll be happy, merry an’ gay
So from a logical point of view,
Marry a woman uglier than you.

A pretty woman make her husban’ look small,
An very often cause he downfall,
As soon as she marry then an’ ther she start
To do the things that will ache yo’ heart.
Jus’ when you think she belongin’ to you
She’s calling somebody else »doo doo«
So from a logical point of view,
Marry a woman uglier than you.

If you want to live a long an’ happy life,
Avoiding consternation an’ marital strife,
For a logical man this is easy to do,
When you marry a woman uglier than you.

But if you make an ugly woman yo’ wife,
You will be happy all of yo’ life.
She would’t do things in a funny way,
Jus’ to give the neighbors something to say,
She wouldn’t disregard her husban’ at all,
By exhibiting herself to Peter an’ Paul,
So from a logical point of view,
Marry a woman uglier than you.

An ugly woman give you yo’ meals on time
An try to keep you comfortable in mind,
At night when you lay ‘pon yo cozy bed,
She’ll kiss, caress you, an scratch yo’ head.
Not a minute of yo’ life will she leave you alone.
For ev’ry mischief she will atone,
So from a logical point of view,
Marry a woman uglier than you.
Jus’ marry a woman uglier than you!
Ugly woman, I marry you!

:: Russian Mail Order Brides: Why date or marry a Russian woman?

Poetry saves the day
Only assumptions
are needed to launch a war,
according to Bush.

:: DAYKU.a.thousand.syllables.for.peace

Als je in panne staat met je Ford Escort, wie bel je dan?
Juist... de escort service.

Longer is better
Champagne! Euh... Guiness! 563,62 kilometer!

:: Die längste Homepage der Welt

Preparing for Wave 2
We do not want close reporting of the bang-bang in any war zone, and we expect reporters to steer far from areas where actual fighting is occurring or is likely to. Even when a reporter goes into an area where fighting has already occurred, and is now supposedly clear of conflict, he or she must do so with caution and with the prior approval from his or her bureau chief.

:: Wall Street Journal Gets Ready for War

Het is 10 oktober en alles is rustig.

Het Ronald Reagan Syndroom
In all of Bush's 30 minutes of anti-Iraq war talk yesterday – pleasantly leavened with just two minutes of how "I hope this will not require military action" – there wasn't a single reference to the fact that Iraq may hold oil reserves larger than those of Saudi Arabia, that American oil companies stand to gain billions of dollars in the event of a US invasion, that, once out of power, Bush and his friends could become multi-billionaires on the spoils of this war. We must ignore all this before we go to war. We must forget.

:: Robert Fisk: What the US President wants us to forget

Bush's argument reduces to this: No one can prove that Saddam Hussein is not planning to attack us. And if he had a nuclear weapon, no one can prove he wouldn't use it. And if he used it, it is possible he could destroy us. So, to stop this unknown, unproven, unquantifiable, logic-defying "threat gathering against us," we must go to war or risk seeing a mushroom cloud rise over the United States.
Bush has over the past months made clear his contempt for the United Nations and the rest of the world. Monday night he made crystal clear his contempt for the intelligence of the American people as well.

:: Bush's Leaps of Illogic Don't Answer People's Questions About War

G'day mate
...the general implication for US foreign policy under Bush is clear. He has adopted the Brezhnev doctrine enunciated after the USSR invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968: all nations are sovereign but some nations are more sovereign than others.

:: Total surrender? More like total hypocrisy

USA pas vierde
Israel was ranked number two, just after Iraq, on a list of countries that threaten world peace, according to a recent survey conducted by French newspapers. Syria, Iran and Libya also appear on the list, albeit after Israel.

:: Ha'aretz: Israel is number 2 threat to world peace, just after Iraq

Ik merk dat ik de laatste tijd niet zo vaak meer toekom aan andere blogs dan die hier rechts in het lijstje of in mijn blogroll. Jammer, want er is wel wat bijgekomen van interessante of leuk uitziende blogs. Neem nu A Belgian Blog, My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, Of Marginal Interest of Il Grand' Inquisitor. Allemaal prima leesvoer en mooi vormgegeven. En dus een link en een regelmatiger bezoekje waard.
(Note to self: op de startpagina zetten)

Iemand al uitgevogeld wat je met Sepi's Linkparadise eigenlijk praktisch kunt aanvangen?

Quote Unquote
Read my lips: no new quotes
:: 27 Unfamous Quotes already! Be sure to add yours.

blurker (BLUR-kur): n. 1. One who reads many blogs but leaves no evidence of themselves such as comments behind; a silent observer of blogs. 2. One who reads many blogs but has no blog of their own; a blog-watcher or blog voyeur.
“But, Mikey, I can't have a blog of my own! I'm a blurker!”

:: coffee corner via juul

* blogabularia: collection of new words emerging from the blogging community

Dear Lord
indian superman

Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
It's Indian Superman,
about to fling that curry into deep space before it explodes!

:: The Indian Superman Gallery

I had a dream
Ik hou van het internet. Echt. Vannacht droomde ik van een vriend die ik al misschien in geen vijftien jaar gezien heb. In mijn droom was hij ondertussen getrouwd met een studiegenote van op de hogeschool wiens naam ik ook al tijden vergeten was en na enig Googelen heb ik hun e-mailadressen toch gevonden zeker? Wat een uitvinding toch! De grootste verrassing zou nu uiteraard zijn dat ze getrouwd zouden zijn, maar dat zal wel niet zeker?

See a pattern?
Resolution 252 (1968) Israel / 262 (1968) Israel / 267 (1969) Israel / 271 (1969) Israel / 298 (1971) Israel / 353 (1974) Turkey / 354 (1974) Turkey / 360 (1974) Turkey / 364 (1974) Turkey / 367 (1975) Turkey / 370 (1975) Turkey / 377 (1979) Morocco / 379 (1979) Morocco / 380 (1979) Morocco / 391 (1976) Turkey / 401 (1976) Turkey / 414 (1977) Turkey / 422 (1977) Turkey / 440 (1978) Turkey / 446 (1979) Israel / 452 (1979) Israel / 465 (1980) Israel / 471 (1980) Israel / 484 (1980) Israel / 487 (1981) Israel / 497 (1981) Israel / 541 (1983) Turkey / 550 (1984) Turkey / 573 (1985) Israel / 592 (1986) Israel / 605 (1987) Israel / 607 (1986) Israel / 608 (1988) Israel / 636 (1989) Israel / 641 (1989) Israel / 658 (1990) Morocco / 672 (1990) Israel / 673 (1990) Israel / 681 (1990) Israel / 690 (1991) Morocco / 694 (1991) Morocco / 716 (1991) Morocco / 725 (1991) Morocco / 726 (1992) Israel / 799 (1992) Israel / 807 (1993) Croatia / 809 (1992) Morocco / 815 (1993) Croatia / 822 (1993) Armenia / 853 (1993) Armenia / 874 (1993) Armenia / 884 (1993) Armenia / 896 (1994) Russia / 904 (1994) Israel / 973 (1995) Morocco / 995 (1995) Morocco / 1002 (1995) Morocco / 1009 (1995) Croatia / 1017 (1995) Morocco / 1033 (1995) Morocco / 1044 (1996) Sudan / 1054 (1996) Sudan / 1056 (1996) Morocco / 1070 (1996) Sudan / 1073 (1996) Israel / 1079 (1996) Croatia / 1092 (1996) Turkey/Cyprus / 1117 (1997) Turkey/Cyprus / 1120 (1997) Croatia / 1145 (1997) Croatia / 1172 (1998) India, Pakistan / 1178 (1998) Turkey/Cyprus / 1185 (1998) Morocco / 1215 (1998) Morocco / 1217 (1998) Turkey/Cyprus / 1251 (1999) Turkey/Cyprus / 1264 (1999) Indonesia / 1272 (1999) Indonesia / 1283 (1999) Turkey/Cyprus / 1303 (2000) Turkey/Cyprus / 1319 (2000) Indonesia / 1322 (2000) Israel / 1331 (2000) Turkey/Cyprus / 1338 (2001) Indonesia / 1359 (2001) Morocco / 1384 (2001) Turkey/Cyprus / 1402 (2002) Israel / 1403 (2002) Israel / 1405 (2002) Israel / 1416 (2002) Turkey/Cyprus / 1435 (2002) Israel

:: United Nations Security Council Resolutions Currently Being Violated by Countries Other than Iraq (via ben hammersley

Stand by your man
Pop music is probably one of the last places a conservative would normally look for reinforcement of his worldview. Rock and roll, which has dominated pop music since the 1950s, is inexorably associated with liberalism in the minds of many conservatives. But in fact, there have been a significant number of songs on the pop charts during the rock era that are explicitly conservative. I have compiled a list of these conservative classics.

:: Conservative Pop Music? The Top 40 of the Top 40

"Unfamous" Quotations
"The web is to writing what the MTV music video was to pop music."
Gary Turner

:: Enter your own pearls of wisdom

Welcome to the wonderful world of brainfuck programming. Or rather, said in the increbile programming language that is the subject of this page:

:: Brainfuck: Random Stuff

Israelis can draw some comfort from their chief of military intelligence, Major General Aharon Ze'evi, who said at the weekend that he had no evidence that Iraq had missiles intended for Israel. Gen Ze'evi also questioned whether President Saddam had the capability to deliver biological or chemical weapons the necessary distance.

:: Bush hopes missile shield offer will keep Israel out of conflict
6.10.02 4.10.02

Get your war on
The debate about Iraq is phoney - the decision has been made
There is more uncertainty here than there always is in war planning, because of the imponderables of weapons of mass destruction and of the effect of a conflict on Muslim attitudes. Then there is the imponderable of what the Bush hawks would do with a victory, of whether they would go on to try to re-order the whole of the Middle East in an over-ambitious surge that could lead to disaster.

:: Nothing and no one will stop this drift towards war

Nobili spettatori,
udrete or ora
quattro belli humori:

un Cane, un gatto,
un cucco, un chiù, per spasso
far contrappunto a mente
sopra un basso.

Fa la la la...

Cucco: Cucù, cucù
Chiù: Chiù chiù
Gatto: miau, miau
Cane: bau, bau

Basso: Nulla fides gobbis
similiter est zoppis.
Si squerzus bonus est,
super annalia scribe.

Fa la la la...

:: Adriano Banchieri - Capricciata e contrappunto bestiale alla mente

(German) Flichen > Fuck (English)

:: The Proper Use Of English

An Iraqi vice president offered an unusual suggestion Thursday for solving the U.S.-Iraq standoff: Saddam Hussein and George W. Bush should fight a duel to settle their differences and spare their people the ravages of war. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan would be the referee for the duel, which should be held on neutral territory.

:: Official Suggests a U.S.-Iraq Duel

SADDAM: None shall pass.
BUSH: What?
SADDAM: None shall pass.
BUSH: If you have no Weapons of Mass Destruction, I have no quarrel with you, Saddam, but I must have unfettered access.
SADDAM: Then you shall die.

:: michele: i'll bite your legs off!

On a happier note
Never mind global pollution, recession, poverty, hunger, war: The Sun Will Explode In Less Than Six Years.

Sounds realistic
In an address before the U.N. General Assembly Monday, President Bush called upon the international community to support his "U.S. Does Whatever It Wants" plan.
Global reaction to Bush's plan has been mixed, with 56 percent of Americans in support and 100 percent of non-Americans strongly opposed.

:: The Onion

Zomaar een gedachte
I 'm gonna live forever
I'm gonna learn how to fly

I feel it coming together
People will see me and cry

I'm gonna make it to heaven
Light up the sky like a flame

I'm gonna live forever
Baby remember my name

:: Fame

Moet er nog zand zijn?
Just click on any color, then put your cursor where you want that color of sand on the canvas.
Verwacht niet dat je hier La Gioconda mee naschildert hoor.

:: How To Make Sand Art

Is it halloween yet?
This year, carve the words "No War" into your jack-o-lantern.

:: The Peace Pumpkin Project

Hey Bush!
Israel is believed to possess the largest and most sophisticated arsenal outside of the five declared nuclear powers. Israel has never admitted possessing nuclear weapons, but abundant information is available showing that the capability exists.

:: Israel's Nuclear Weapons Program

Yksi, Kaksi, Kolme
Is it now the time for Finnish to take its place as the international language? It is obviously difficult to answer this question with certainty. At the moment there seem to be several factors which would hinder such a development. First of all, Finnish is currently spoken by a mere .05% of the world's population; secondly one cannot learn the language in ten easy lessons; thirdly, a large number of Finns still do not understand it.

:: Finnish as a World Language

"Druk", zei de ketel
Veel te veel te doen om lang achter mijn pc te gaan hokken. Bovendien ben ik een beetje grieperig (maar wie is dat deze dagen niet?). Laat ik u meteen maar beloven dat ik mijn leven wel eens ga beteren en er een interessant artikel achteraan gooien:

Nil novum
Iraq's bioweapons program was started with help from Uncle Sam two decades ago, according to government records that are being reexamined in light of the discussion of war against Iraq.

:: US role in creation of Iraqi bioweapons becomes issue
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